Everyday Du’as

Inspired by Nusrah’s post Take 25 Steps Towards Allah I decided to take step #10 for a little test drive. Every once in awhile I come across a website that I feel is a little gem and I’m so happy to come across it and I quickly bookmark it for future reference. Atimes I actually use it as a resource, whereas more often than not it gets lost in my bookmarks list. So I decided that when I come across those gems I’ll share them with everyone.


I hope you find this page on The Modern Religion’s website as useful as I do. It’s a page with the translation, transliteration and original arabic version of some commonly used du’as. While it’s great for new Muslims, it’s good for us old timers too, because many a times when we come across some du’as we scratch our heads and wonder how come we never knew there was a du’a for that.

Incase you were wondering, step #10 is: Go the extra mile in terms of kindness. Feed the poor, shelter an orphan, help build a house, or fix a road. Do something that requires more effort than just dropping pennies into a box.

While this isn’t exactly that much harder than dropping pennies into a box, I hope it has more of an impact and thus counts as being an extra act of kindness.

* Image from flickr

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