On Being Thankful


As a child I remember reading somewhere that there are more women in hell than men and the reason was that women weren’t thankful. That thought always stuck with me and i thought wow, to enter hell for that most (seemingly) trivial of reasons was such a shame.

So for as long as I can remember, when I pray I ask Allah to make me among the thankful. I take extra care to make sure I notice things to be thankful for. Whether it’s someone giving me a helping hand, or whether it’s waking up in the morning with no aches or pains. I especially love to give thanks when I’m happy and when I’m sad I try and thank Allah for the day before, for all the other times I was happy and for making the reason I’m sad not be worse than it is.

Occasionally I remember to say thanks for breathing because I could be asthmatic, or rely on a machine to breath for me.

If Allah were to charge us money for any of the millions of things He gives us freely, we wouldn’t be able to afford it, the least we can do is say thanks.

By the same token we tend to forget to thank our mothers, our fathers, siblings, etc basically the people whose help we take for granted.

Is there anything or anyone in your life that you haven’t been thankful for or haven’t thanked lately? Why not make today the day you start?

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it, is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”
— William Arthur Ward

Pic via pinterest

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