Ramadan Recipe: Sweet & Crunchy Basmati Rice

This recipe is really simple and easy to make, but it took me quite a few trail and error sessions as well as experimentation to bring it to this. Once you figure out that the secret to making good Basmati rice is in the ratio of 2 cups of water to 1 cup of rice, you’ll start making it all the time.

The ingredients for this crunchy rice are:
2 Tbsp of raisins
2 Tbsp of peanuts
1 Cup of Basmati rice
1/2 an onion sliced
3 cloves
6 cardamom
4 Tbsp of olive oil
1 tsp of cinnamon
2 tsp of salt
2 cups of hot water

Don’t let the amount of ingredients intimidate you. You’re going to add everything to your pot except the rice and water. Sauté everything together to bring out the scents and flavors and slightly caramelize the onions. Then add the rice and sauté it for a little bit just so that all the ingredients are mixed into the rice then add your water and bring everything to a boil. Once the water is boiling, lower the heat, cover the lid tightly (if necessary cover with tin foil first before covering with the lid).

Let the rice cook covered for 20 mins on really low heat. Then turn of the heat, but don’t remove the lid. Let the steam cook the rice for another 5 minutes. Open your rice and serve immediately fluffing with a fork if necessary.

I find that I get best results when cooking this with gas. Depending on how high you have your heat, your rice will cook faster or slower, so don’t be too discouraged if you don’t get it right the first time. Also I’ve made this dish with a lot less raisins and peanuts and still gotten great results, but if you love raisins like I do, then you’ll really enjoy this!

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